The DAILY FUNNY: No speaky el lingo, compadre

* Writer John Wiswell answers the age-old question: just how impenetrable can one man’s vocaublary be? Indubitably, it could flummox many a jackanape. Oy. He’s way better at this than we are.

* Ever watch those soaps on Tele Latino and wonder what it would be like if Will Ferrell was the rugged leading man? Us neither. A “trailer” for his “latest project”. Say, who condemened “the quote mark” to the status of “grammatical sarcasm mechanism”?

* With Jake Gyllenhaal’s Source Code doing boffo box office over the last couple of weeks, Chris Bucholz offers this list of neat ideas to try if you’re ever stuck in a time loop. Lesson 1: Ensure before it happens, you’re really good friends with Dean Stockwell.

* Now that there’s another out in the Scream series of films, Time Magazine offers a tongue-in-cheek survival guide to being stuck in a horror movie. Our favourite? No. 4 – make sure your car is in perfect working order. Always good advice!

* And over at the ever-informative Geeks are Sexy, this cartoon outlines rules for Geek Speed Dating.

* Today’s final funny is just plain mean. But ..come on, already! If she can wear meat, we can be immature about it. Here are 15 pictures of Lady Gaga dressed like an idiot.