The DAILY FUNNY: The Donald Ducks

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Turnaround is fair play in politics, and after weeks of Donald Trump harping on “birther” theories baut Barack Obama’s birth, the media has started asking the obvious question: where is the Donald’s hair from? Andy Borowitz reports.

Comedian bio pics are rated in this Splitsider piece. No potential George Carlin piece is mentioned, but that’s probably just because it would be way too sane, not nearly salacious enough.

Think a vacation in the Sun is the best cure for life’s inanity, rather than ponytailed hippy comedians. Apparently morose Brits think the same thing and are heading to the Sunshine state for a shot at happiness.

Girls apparently watch porn, too, says this TV commercial style parody. Yes, parody, dammit. ‘Cos most girls don’t watch porn. We refuse to believe this is the truth and that we should, in fact, be practically assaulting you nightly.

Because if so, our lives have been terrible, terrible wastes up until now.

And last but not least, this isn’t intentionally funny, just rife with metaphor. It’s the implications of strong underwear sales to the economy.