WEEKEND MUSIC PREVIEW: Who’s got the look? She’s got the look

It’s the first weekend in a while there hasn’t been a major festival dominating the scene, which means the live music schedule is starting the transition into fall. For this weekend, that includes a visit from famed DJ Morgan Page on Saturday night; and on Monday the city plays host to Montreal’s Purity Ring, as […]

RUMOUR MILL: Paul McCartney to play Edmonton this fall

The last time they made such a big deal about a simple concert announcement, it was the Rolling Stones. This time, it’s probably Paul McCartney. Anticipation is high for the announcement of a “major historical concert event” this Friday at 11 a.m. – by the Mayor Himself, no less. It’s “scheduled for Rexall Place this […]

Steelers anthem rapper Wiz Khalifa hits town in November

Wiz Khalifa is getting a little ahead of himself – the up-and-coming rap star coming to Edmonton as part of what he’s calling “The 2050 Tour.” The Pittsburgh, PA star may be more famous a lot sooner than that – even sooner than when Pittsburgh Steelers win another Super Bowl. Performing at the Shaw Conference […]

Kaleido festival to transform Alberta Avenue into Fringe of the North

Look up. Look wa-a-a-ay up. Just try not to walk into a lamppost as you are serenaded by live music being played from the rooftops along Alberta Avenue during the Kaleido Family Arts Festival. And that’s just one treat in a cornucopia of artistic endeavours for both enjoyment and participation, running all weekend in and […]


This weekend’s musical calendar is of course dominated by the 2012 version of Sonic Boom on Sunday. So far it’s looking like the weather will cooperate for the event, which will feature Linkin Park and Silversun Pickups at Northlands. There are also some great local bands playing around town on Friday and Saturday. Friday Joe […]

SONIC BOOM 2012: Buzz bands, alt metal and modern rock goodness

This year’s version of Sonic Boom is probably the deepest line-up that’s been put together for the day-long festival yet. Thanks to a “sister” event in Calgary the day before Edmonton’s show at Northlands on Sunday, Sept. 2, Sonic Boom 2012 has at least two acts that could’ve been headliners, with Linkin Park and Silversun […]

Symphony Under the Sky: Cannons in the park

Like rock ‘n’ roll, classical music is measured by weight: Heavy or light. Unlike rock ‘n’ roll, almost all classical musicians aspire to perform the heaviest music they can get their hands on and still get paid for it. That’s what all that training and sacrifice was for – to play the heavyweights. Mainstream classical […]

Party Under the Dome: you paid for it, you might as well enjoy it

In some of the more mature – meaning “old” – countries, celebrating the 100th anniversary of a building would seem rather gauche. Maybe 150 years, certainly 200, but a mere Century? Please. But this is Alberta, where we have a different concept of what constitutes old. Here, the centennial of a building is reason to […]

GOTYE: Just some song that we used to know

Once in a great while the pop music mainstream brings up something truly great, an artist with talent, integrity and intelligence who has worked hard, poured heart and soul, blood, sweat and tears into their work – and with some luck, perhaps divine intervention, come up with a song that defines an entire generation. And […]

WEEKEND MUSIC PREVIEW: Rock legends descend on Edmonton

While the calendar continues to be dominated by the Edmonton International Fringe Festival, never let it be said that this city doesn’t honor musical legends, as three bands that saw the peak of their careers in the 1980s and 1990s perform around town this weekend – The Cult, Refused, and the Headpins. The Edmonton Blues […]

DEEP blues or FUN blues? Edmonton Blues Festival has plenty of both

In yesterday’s lecture on The Neuroscience of the Blues, we touched on the distinction between DEEP blues and FUN blues, though they sound very similar. Put simply, DEEP blues is about real suffering: from oppression, racism, poverty, addiction, disease, mental illness, heartbreak, desperation or despair – or all of the above. FUN blues is, well, […]

NEUROSCIENCE AT THE BLUESFEST: Blues is good for the brain

Muddy Waters famously sang that the blues had a baby, and they named it rock ‘n’ roll. Of course, that was a hell of a long time ago. His last hit CD, “Hard Again,” was back in ‘77 and Muddy died in ’84. Things have changed a bit. As we prepare for Edmonton Blues Festival […]