HOBBIES: Any spokesperson will tell you, you can’t beat a beater

Notorious film director John Waters was once asked why, with his reputation for making movies described as everything from offbeat to obscene, he drove such an ordinary car as an Oldsmobile. His answer was that if he ever committed a crime, he didn’t want to be driving anything that witnesses might remember. And the odds […]

Will grounding airport help arts districts take off?

Pilots have a saying: Avoid clouds. Mountains have been known to hide out in them. But members of Edmonton’s burgeoning north-side arts communities don’t believe there are any metaphorical mountains looming in the cloud of uncertainty over the closure of the City Centre Airport. At best, the approximately 25,000 people who are expected to live […]

ART: Pawn stars benefit from collateral collectibles

Stony Plain Road is a great destination if, due to poor financial advice, you need to pawn your Makita drill. It’s also handy if you need nipple tassles for your girlfriend (or boyfriend) from one of the area’s handy adult XXX shops. But it’s not the part of the city you would think to hit […]