SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION, Part II: local schoolkids learn about online journalism from gigcity editor

[EDITOR’S NOTE: When my daughter’s grade three teacher asked me to talk to the class about the media, I said: What’s in it for me? Then I felt ashamed. The medium doesn’t matter. It’s the message that counts. The Internet is about sharing. I share information with you, you share with me and we are […]

GET YOUR GEEK ON! LeVar Burton to ‘make it so’ at local convention

When the captain ordered “make it so!” it was often LeVar Burton who jumped and made it so. And so it was on Star Trek: The Next Generation, which is looking pretty quaint in reruns today – and yet the Trekkian fame lives on for this award-winning actor. See him live and in person Sunday, […]

ART: Auction helps promote pedal power

A number of years ago, a fire broke out at a storage garage where many Edmontonians who owned high-end sports cars or other vintage automobiles kept them for the winter. The blaze destroyed some very expensive vehicles, and as you can imagine, their owners were terribly upset. But the car that Edmontonians cared most about […]

OBITUARY: Sayonara Westmount, an oasis of good movie seating

While you were sitting at home watching the Oscars on TV and they were doing that little montage featuring all the movie types whose work we will no longer be able to enjoy because they shuffled off this mortal coil sometime in the last year — complete with Celine Dion vocals —  Westmount Centre Cinemas […]

ROOTS FEST: Phil Ochs doc at Metro tonight

We sure had fun tripping back in time, didn’t we? CKUA guy Peter North reports the Winter Roots and Blues Roundup II (Feb 24-28, 2011) on the weekend was a smashing success. He’s a bit biased, since he was one of the promoters, so forgive the glowing review of his own event. A lot of fans agree with […]

EDMONTON RADIO: Is the Bounce bad for children? Short answer: yes

Important disclaimer: This article is about top-40 radio. Therefore, in a year or less, the names and song titles will appear hopelessly quaint and out of date. If you’re reading this in the future (hello, people of the future!), go ahead and laugh. If the Rapture hasn’t come by then, we will laugh with you. […]

Metro’s next Edmonton Tonight keeps things eclectic

Painter Eric Visser, cellist Josephine van Lier, and CKUA music programmer Baba Singh will be among the guests of the next Edmonton Tonight, Friday, Feb. 25 at 10:30 p.m. at Metro Cinema. Host Tom Bernier will welcome Visser and van Lier, a creative couple who will chat about how the arts  played a major role […]

Morning man on a mission: Terry Evans takes on censorship

Terry Evans has worn many hats in his long radio career in Edmonton. Wasn’t he a clean-head for a while there? Maybe it was a shave-your-head-for-cancer-awareness thing. He even tried stand-up comedy (he wasn’t very good, sadly) but says he hasn’t had an act since 1993. He’s far too busy. In addition to wearing his […]

Snooki and the cult of the suitably vacant

What: Snooki Polizzi hosts a long weekend party Where: Union Hall, 6240 99 St. Tickets are $20 at the door, $40 for VIP access. There’s little doubt that, had Nicole Polizzi hit the airwaves of a U.S. Network in 1985, protests would’ve formed outside the station, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission would’ve been hauled in […]

HOBBIES: Any spokesperson will tell you, you can’t beat a beater

Notorious film director John Waters was once asked why, with his reputation for making movies described as everything from offbeat to obscene, he drove such an ordinary car as an Oldsmobile. His answer was that if he ever committed a crime, he didn’t want to be driving anything that witnesses might remember. And the odds […]

Mad Men, in-crowd drive rebirth of cocktails

Cocktail hour — what a wonderful parlance. It conjures up a world of thick glass tumblers and geometric ice cubes tinkling in the midst of a an expertly mixed libation. So why is it cocktails in Edmonton bars are practically synonymous with sickly sweet swill served in neon pink cups? Preferably with thumping music, of […]

Silver Skate Festival in full, cold swing this weekend

Music, mushing, skating and sleigh rides: Edmonton’s longest-running winter festival, Silver Skate, is back for another year. The festival runs at Hawrelak Park through Monday 21, February which is Family Day. Silver Skate is rooted in the Dutch tradition of the love of outdoor activity. The festival’s anchor events, the Edmonton Winter Triathlon (skate, ski, […]