Who are these ladies – dames, gals, broads, girls, skirts, chicks, women – who call themselves “Hey Ladies”? It turns out the three Edmonton performers either are mothers, have mothers or both – so it works out. The Mother’s Day edition of their semi-improvised variety-talk show plays Friday at the Roxy on Gateway. It’s not […]

REVIEW: Smart Art

REVIEW: Smart Art

Art, a French language work by Yasmina Reza (translated by Christopher Hampton) opened in Paris in 1994 and quickly became one of the most produced plays in the world. It has won awards everywhere (including the Oliver in Britain and a Tony in America) and was a sure-fire audience hit. Shadow Theatre and veteran director […]

PLAYBILL: Bonnie and Clyde get musical therapy

PLAYBILL: Bonnie and Clyde get musical therapy

If only Bonnie and Clyde had gone into couples therapy before things got out of hand. They could’ve unpacked all that co-dependent bank-robbing-shooting-people-running-from-the-cops behaviour, and come to some resolution that didn’t involve getting killed. Maybe they could’ve gone straight and counseled wayward youth on the perils of robbing banks, shooting people and running from the […]

PLAYBILL: Art for art’s sake

PLAYBILL: Art for art’s sake

Any artist who’s ever been turned down for a grant should feel their blood boiling over Art. As will the characters in Yasmina Reza’s play – the English translation at the Varscona Theatre April 26-May 14. Starring local familiars Glenn Nelson, John Sproule and Frank Zotter in this Shadow Theatre production, the story revolves around […]

COMMENT: Nickelback, the Talus Dome and some basic civility

It’s funny how a small shift in perspective can change how we view things and influence human behaviour, particularly in the arts, where the debate between art, popularity and finance rages eternal. We all benefit from considering others’ perspectives sometimes, whether it’s on Nickelback being publically shunned or a public art installation. One man’s interpretation […]

Bohemia Cafe reopens with big Noise

The Bohemia Cafe is probably the only place in Edmonton you can hear “Noise.” Not noise, but Noise – a peculiar and tiny genre of music more free than free jazz, crazier than thrash metal. Some call it “experimental sound art,” because “music” doesn’t quite fit. Someone even made a documentary about Noise, featuring the […]

ART: EBC peddles some of its best work

Big events are usually held annually, but the last art auction Edmonton Bicycle Commuters held in February was so popular they’ve decided to have another one just seven months later. The last time around, EBC was celebrating its 30th birthday with a bash at a community hall, and a portion of the proceeds from the […]

AGA contest wants your wildest wild life

We’ve all got a story about being cold. You can’t live in Canada for any length of time and NOT have a story about being cold. Let’s face it, “the north” is a culture unto itself; and the Art Gallery of Alberta is working with the theme in its latest contest. The AGA wants to […]

The remarkable Louis O’Coffey provides inspiration on canvas

At 74, Louis O’Coffey would be remarkable even if he’d never become an artist who’s had his work displayed at numerous galleries. When he was born in Fort McMurray in 1937, the average person with Down syndrome didn’t survive into their 20s. Even nowadays they typically reach what is considered old age in their 50s. […]

FISHEYE: Life in transit

I imagine this LRT post in some museum 2,000 years from now, or maybe just rusting in the ground. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city. More Fisheye photos here.

Pressure-wash graffiti gets a free pass

Fans of street art in Edmonton are accusing the city of hypocrisy over a decision to allow Octane Motorsports to promote the Indy with graffiti-style stencils on city sidewalks. The stencils aren’t made with paint. Rather, they were done with a pressure washer which blasts hot water over the stencils, effectively cleaning the message into […]

FISHEYE: Wood that he could

GET OFF MY LAND. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city. More Fisheye photos here.

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