FISHEYE: Out like a ‘lion

Dandelions are sort of the opposite of the icicles in winter we obsessed over not so long ago. If only there were some way to seasonally exchange them – I bet we’d love them if they were blooming through the January snow, despite the cold. As it stands, as Metallica says, kill ’em all. It’s […]

FISHEYE: Why it’s fun to stay there

There seems to be a bit of a mis-labelling going on here. You can find this dandy chap on the wall of the old YMCA, just west of City Hall. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the […]

FISHEYE: Smells like grandma

The darker purple lilacs are, the older the strain – these are the kind I remember growing up with, a lure for grandmothers, singing happy songs. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city.

FISHEYE: Get your xanthophyll

This tidily symbolises the modern Edmonton aesthetic. It’s a beautiful plaque from the past (on the Leg Grounds), a bit of dignified design neglected and forgotten not just stating an obvious problem, but accentuating how no one’s dealing with it properly. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual […]

FISHEYE: Dog days

Anyone missing a horse? Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city.

FISHEYE: Is bigger always better?

My God, just look at the SIZE of that thing. Apparently the oil industry is doing all right … Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual pharmacy online canada diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city.

Obsolescence, photography, death and Polaroids

How long has it been since you smelled the chemical aroma of a Polaroid photo fresh out of the camera? Ten years? Twenty? Can you even still buy the film? (Yes and no. We’ll get to that.) Polaroid photographs generally weren’t considered art. The film and the print were the same thing so you couldn’t […]

FISHEYE: Carved at The Mac

We don’t have a lot of gargoyles in Edmonton, but we’re certainly replete with carved bison. This is on the entryway to the Hotel Mac. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city.

FISHEYE: Gone to pot

We can certainly see how we need a new bridge, an arena, a museum and a municipal spaceport when millions of these live on our roads. Have you TRIED riding a bike on the streets lately? Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his […]

FISHEYE: Red-Light Special

Three Edmonton musical luminaries – Lyle Bell, Trevor Anderson and Ted Wright – enjoy the Jessica Rabbit number during Capital City Burlesque’s “Release the Geek” show last night at Starlite. Costumed nods to nerd-dom included Ghostbusters, Star Trek and Wars, G.I. Joe, He-Man and She-Ra. Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish […]

FISHEYE: Hop Hip Nation

Is there anything worse than being slightly behind your camouflage time? I suppose a hip injury or something … Our regular photo of the day (potd) feature from Fish Griwkowsky is a visual diary and memoir of his life in and out of the city.

Fisheye: A visual diary of life in and around Edmonton (and parts previously unknown)

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