Oprah returns to Edmonton in June

The last time Oprah Winfrey was in Edmonton someone gave her a “truck nuts” purse as a gift when she came on the stage.

For those who don’t know: Truck nuts are known to locals as a decorative item you hang on your trailer hitch to resemble testicles. It’s a thing.

Oprah, meanwhile, is one of the most influential people on the planet. Her talk show reached billions – yes billions – of people, and she’s been a passionate advocate for all sorts of causes over the years. Somewhat impulsive, susceptible to fads, but always driven by curiosity, intelligence and an overwhelming desire to help other people. She’d make a good president.

And we gave her truck nuts.

Maybe there is no “answer” to the big questions, but that doesn’t keep her from trying – or off the lucrative lecture circuit. She’s touring on her latest best-seller, The Path Made Clear.

Oprah will return to Edmonton’s Rogers Place on Thursday, June 20, for a talk named for the book – sharing personal stories and lessons she’s learned. There will also be one special guest in one conversation.

Oprah will also make stops in Toronto (June 14), Montreal (June 16), Calgary (June 19), and Vancouver (June 24).

Tickets go on sale Friday, May 3 at 10 am.