Kid Rock brings one long party to Rexall

Kid Rock is an interesting dude. My colleague Mike Ross likes to note that Rock was the first guy who managed to sell rap to southern white country kids, which would make just about anyone shake their heads. That’s not an easy task and few have pulled it off, none as successfully. From “Cowboy” off […]

YOU SAID IT: Rammstein rams YEG

[View the story “The Best of Rammstein in Edmonton” on Storify]

YOU SAID IT: System of A Down in Edmonton

[View the story ” ” on Storify]

PREVIEW: A worthy blues cause without selling your soul

The blues can be fickle. If you take your blues – and your blues music – really personally, for their curative qualities, you may be inclined to find a blues contest kind of silly, preferring instead a dingy bar with low light and lower prospects. But you’d be wrong. Blues contests have a long and […]

The DAILY FUNNY: A really premature look at Green Lantern

Looking forward to the summer blockbusters? Imaginative critic Mike Parker checks in with this animated review of what’s probably happening in the movie Green Lantern, based on the trailer. U.S. Political commentator and thoughtful journalist Andy Borowitz continues to be on a roll, with this good-as-gold exclusive on the ramifications to congress of Osama bin […]

ART: A 3D exploration of nature and ethics

Sherri Chaba has an abiding concern about the environment and a passionately odd way of  showing it. One of the neat things about living in an arts town like Edmonton is that people are willing to try all sorts of things artistically. We had this story on last month’s show by Zsolti Varsanyi, and in […]

ART: Block party, Loft lecture at the AGA

Art on The Block gives us pause. Not a ton, mind you. The Art Gallery of Alberta still rocks, and all. But it’s worth keeping in mind that the AGA has made its bones, to some degree, on defeating the “why spend $85-million on a building” arguments by being super-accessible to the public. But the […]

The Daily Funny: Royal TV watching

You know why Charlie Brooker’s such a well-liked columnist/literary ne’er-do-well in his home nation of England? It’s his optimism. Pay witness as Charlie explains what he expects from Royal Wedding T.V. Coverage in Ye Merrie Olde Englande. It never ends. Just when you thought U.S. President Barack Obama had closed the issue of his birth […]

The DAILY FUNNY: Movies you claimed to have seen, you liar

You know how you told your buddy how you agreed with him that Inside Job totally deserved the Oscar for best documentary and was totally relevant to the ongoing wage gap in the U.S.? You know how you were being totally full of shit, because you haven’t actually seen Inside Job? You’re not alone. Here […]

The DAILY FUNNY: More-or-less contemplative birds

All right, it’s been 48 hours since 4-20 and we no longer have to officially pretend we like our dirty hippie doobie smoking friend’s lousy habits. With that in mind, check out these honest anti-marijuana PSAs that even your most hoolied of amigos can understand. Meanwhile, if you’ve been fretting over the fact that you’re […]

ART: Emily Carr’s passion for nature at the AGA

There’s a languid grace and deep passion infusing Emily Carr’s thick brushstrokes and vivid re-creations of the Canadian west, her post-impressionism and post-cubist curves respecting the fluid lines of traditional aboriginal art. Perhaps we still find the Canadian painter so compelling for the same reason that we respect John Steinbeck’s literary work from the same […]

Perverts hang out together – nudge nudge, wink wink

OK, before we continue on to the hard truth about the topic of Pornography in the new play Pervert, we have to acknowledge the following obvious question: in the Internet age, who still goes to porn stores? Nevertheless, the interplay between several such denizens — after a store clerk accuses a customer of theft — […]

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