GIGGLE CITY: Marcus Beaubier

Our guest this week is Marcus Beaubier, performing at Yuk Yuk’s (in the Century Casino) tonight (Saturday, Feb. 19) Warning: The following contains explicit content not suitable for children. Q. If you could be any Canadian celebrity, who would you be, and why? A: Some sort of weird hybrid of Gord Downie from the Tragically […]

Silver Skate Festival in full, cold swing this weekend

Music, mushing, skating and sleigh rides: Edmonton’s longest-running winter festival, Silver Skate, is back for another year. The festival runs at Hawrelak Park through Monday 21, February which is Family Day. Silver Skate is rooted in the Dutch tradition of the love of outdoor activity. The festival’s anchor events, the Edmonton Winter Triathlon (skate, ski, […]

Mass Effect 3 preview

Edmonton’s Mark Meer stars as Commander Shepherd in the upcoming third installment of the epic video game series.

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