PANDEMIC STREETER: Goodnight, Whyte 

PANDEMIC STREETER: Goodnight, Whyte 

The warm summer air dissipates into the cool breeze of fall – and last call dawns early on Whyte Avenue. Here we are, a year and a half and two vaccinations later and restaurants and bars are closing up at 11 pm because of a spike in Covid cases. But that doesn’t stop live music […]

REVIEW: Freewill Shakespeare a Laugh Riot at the Fringe

REVIEW: Freewill Shakespeare a Laugh Riot at the Fringe

Shakespeare is not easy to do. Nearly every big play been done and redone countless times, and the language is not necessarily accessible for everyone. Wherefore use such convoluted dialogue? That’s part of why David Horak’s re-imagining of Much Ado About Nothing by the Freewill Players at the Fringe is a breath of fresh air. […]

LIVE REVIEW: Winter in Summer a perfect little folk fest

LIVE REVIEW: Winter in Summer a perfect little folk fest

It was the perfect day for a festival – the intense summer heat dulled by a cool breeze, the city spread out across the horizon in the near distance. Last as the opening evening of the Winter in Summer festival sponsored by Steamwhistle at the Edmonton Ski Club (more or less the site of the […]

LIVE REVIEW: First Time at a Burlesque Show? Spotlight Cabaret’s got your back

LIVE REVIEW: First Time at a Burlesque Show? Spotlight Cabaret’s got your back

Prologue The show is sold-out. The ceiling is lined with massive crystal chandeliers, but the lighting somehow remains moody. At the front of the room is a stage — only one small step up from the ground but further elevated by the plush red curtains that flank it and the star-speckled curtain behind. The curtain […]

POST PANDEMIC LIVE REVIEW: Tales From a Sober Person at a Day Rave

POST PANDEMIC LIVE REVIEW: Tales From a Sober Person at a Day Rave

Never in my life did I think I’d be saying this – but I missed the smell of a bar. I missed the way my shoes stuck to the floor. I missed strangers stumbling into me and slurring sorry. I anticipated a certain degree of uncertainty at my first show in over a year – […]